06 August 2009

Boxes, boxes, and more boxes

My whole world isn't made up of boxes, but I'll be danged if it doesn't seem that way sometimes. Unaccompanied Baggage came in yesterday. Household Goods today and tomorrow. I have the plan of this time next week the house being put away properly even if I have to be a mean task master where the hubby and kids are concerned.

I did pull a bonehead and forget to get the guys some bottled water. I've got sodas, ice, tea, and cups but I forgot the water. I'll pick some up today so they can have it later. We'll buy lunch for them tomorrow and I'll pick up some donuts or something as well.


  1. chuckle... we english usually buy them beer!

    Enjoy your boxes and unpacking. We've been here nearly 2 years and I have a whole room full in the attic i've never touched...never even peeked into...

  2. I would but Americans are very uptight about having alcohol at work and yada yada.


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